Service providers > Products

Types of contracts

Please make a selection from the billing methods below that best suits your needs.
Depending on billing type, you will be redirected to the respective form to complete the purchase process.
Please ensure you have a valid EU VAT number and have entered your company details correctly in the client panel.

CloudFerro's price list of services.

This functionality requires that you log into the account that is assigned to a tenant that has EU VAT properly configured. To register, go to the customer portal. Please note that CloudFerro's services within CREODIAS are commercial offerings exclusively intended for business entities, not for individual customers. Individuals interested in accessing Copernicus data should use the CDSE services instead.

Depending on your selection, you will be redirected to the respective e-commerce site, which will guide you through the process. Please ensure you have a valid EU VAT number and have entered your company details correctly in the client panel.